When I decided to build a rack for my room I did a lot of research on the web, talking with other Fish geeks and going to several club members fish rooms. One of the main design features was to make water changes quick and easy. I also wanted to maximize my space and have the flexibility to change tank configurations in the future. The design below can accommodate
6 x 40 gallon breeders or
18 x 20 longs end to end. In addition there is 3 space below the rack to accommodate 3 more 40 breeders or 9 more 20 longs. The tanks on the the floor are not connected to the sump.
I worked with Dave G aka Cabinetmkr39 to custom design the rack. He constructed the all horizontal frames by gluing together 2 sheets 3/4 inch 4 x 8 sheets of plywood. Vertical frame is made of 2 x 4’s. The design is modular can be easily expanded or broken down if i move. Below are the Rack elevation an profiles.
Here is the slide show of the Very Fishe Room Rack build or you can click thru the slide show or what the video

Racks Elevation

Initial Operation of the Fish Rack
The Sump